Springtime marks the start of hay fever season. Nature however is a wonderful pharmacist with a sweet-tasting solution – natural honey.
Honey can prepare your immune system by giving it a slowly controlled exposure to the pollens that cause mild to moderate hay-fever. The evidence is anecdotal but millions of people turn to honey every year as an alternative to the drowsiness of over-the-counter antihistamines.
Honey exposes you to the pollens that are in your immediate environment, so it’s important that the bees making the honey encountered those blossoms as well! Honey featuring “wild African acacia” might sound lovely but will only be helpful if you happen to be surrounded by wild Africa acacias at the time, and right now in Glastonbury – we’re not! Instead we have a profusion of flowers and tree blossoms and the local bees are feasting.
The second consideration is to make sure that the honey has been produced naturally and not commercially. Commercial processes use harsh filtering systems to ensure product purity. Unfortunately those same processes filter out all the pollen particles and it’s the pollen particles that you need.
Dondero Orchards on Woodland Street in South Glastonbury have naturally produced local honey on their shelves this weekend, so why not greet the springtime with a visit to a wonderful local farm shop and stock-up on nature’s hay fever preventative at the same time.
Image credit: yesvegetarian.com
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