How to avoid the sneezes and sniffles of a common cold? It’s a common question, especially in a Connecticut winter. Your daily water intake can be one of your first lines of defence.
Around 60% of our body is made up of water. Maintaining that water level is vital to good health – especially in the winter. Ever notice how dry your hands start to feel on these cold winter days?
Well that’s because cold air is dry air, and can freeze-dry the moisture right out of you.
We easily become aware of our dry faces and chapped-lips and cracked hands, but not so easily aware of the damage dry air does to the soft mucous membranes of our noses and throats.
Those membranes help to keep back the germs that cause winter bugs. – When they dry out, the coughs and sneezes of other people can find it all the easier to invade.
Maintaining good hydration is essential. Just remember that it’s “on the eights”. Aim to drink an 8 ounce glass of water eight times a day, just a little under 2 litres in total.
That way you’ll be getting just the right amount for healthy winter hydration.
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